Tag Archives: FreeBSD committers

Short summary and photos: Athens Digital Week 2008

I just came back from “Athens Digital Week 2008” and finished uploading some of the pictures I took while in Athens:


The talks at “Technopolis” were amazing. There were people coming and going all the time; I am very glad I saw many of the “usual gang“; the talks about security and wireless networking were quite intriguing; and our own talks seem to have attracted quite a few questions about free software, open source, the way Linux and the BSDs work, and so on. Continue reading

Athens Digital Week 2008

From: keramida
Subject: Athens Digital Week 2008
References: http://www.athensdigitalweek.gr/

Everything is ready, so I’m going to leave for Athens to attend the “Athens Digital Week 2008” event tomorrow. Two short presentations have been prepared, and sent to the organizers. I am not sure if we will have a lot of time to present both of them, but we can definitely try.

The topics of the short talks and their accompanying presentation material are:

  • “The FreeBSD Project”
  • “The Greek FreeBSD Documentation Team”

What is absolutely amazing though is that two out of three of the current Greek FreeBSD Committer population are going to be there. Manolis is probably too far to reach us in time for the event, but prof. Diomidis Spinellis and me will be there. Yay!

Interesting times ahead for FreeBSD

Ed Schouten’s MPSAFE-tty layer is now in the main tree of FreeBSD, but it i only one of the active projects which run in parallel. The excellent news is that the MPSAFE-tty layer brings down by one the count of kernel subsystems that require the big Giant lock for running within the threaded FreeBSD kernel. There are only a few more, i.e. the USB stack. Removing the requirement for Giant from some of the remaining Giant-dependent subsystems is already part of ongoing work. Continue reading

Ed Schouten commits new MPSAFE tty layer

After a long time of developing the code in Perforce, posting patches for review, patching userland application to remove explicit gropping into the “tty internals”, working with other committers to enhance, test and then test a bit more, Ed Schouten has committed his new MPSAFE tty layer to the FreeBSD kernel:


This removes one of the last remaining barriers of running with a completely “Giant-free” kernel.

Thank you Ed :-)

Building bootable FreeBSD images

Warner Losh posted an excellent mini-guide for building bootable FreeBSD/i386 images a while back.

I’m not very fond of web browsers, in general, so I copied the text and uploaded the copy at:


in plain ASCII text format…

Thanks, Warner!